From 107lbs (2016) -> 130lbs (2019)

I try to share my story from time to time to keep it real and share that everyone has there own struggles. I want to be raw and relatable with my journey to my clients and following.

On the left: locked into an eating disorder. Major restriction and fear of food with even the healthy stuff. Social outings became non existent, obsessed with my body image, isolated, stressed about every meal, and on depression medication. This quickly turned into a major binge and restrict behavior. I still look at my husband in awe over this period of time. He was so supportive, understanding, and patient with me. Loved me unconditionally at my worst.

On the right: Free from food! Man, it took a long time to get here. I quit chasing a perfect body image and I have learned to enjoy food in moderation. Yes, I have more body fat. No, I’m not shredded BUT I am so happy! I am actually living, able to gather in fellowship, enjoy meals with my husband, friends, and family, eat treats without guilt, and with all that said, I am still HEALTHY!

There is more to this life than having the lowest number on a scale and wearing the smallest size clothes. I love working with clients to be in the best shape of their life, not give anything up, and love they body they are in! Trust me when I say you can work towards your goals, still have a social life, and enjoy yummiest of foods!

I am not going to lie, I still have moments where I struggle, I think we all do. In those moments, I have to think of my healthy self. What would the healthy Michaela do? The girl that is free from her ED. When I start to get wrapped up in my old behaviors, there’s usually a factor that is triggering my emotions. Having someone to talk it out with is so helpful.

I encourage those who are struggling in any situation to continue to fight and seek for your healthy self, have an accountability system with close friends and family, and get professional help if needed.